Chimney pots are probably not the first thing that comes to mind when people think about fireplaces. However, these small cylindrical structures have been around for a long time, and have helped keep fireplaces burning efficiently. In today’s post, local chimney company Chimney Doctors discusses what chimney pots are for.

What Are Chimney Pots For?
The primary purpose of chimney pots is to create drafts that aid combustion and prevent smoke from billowing into the house, which results in efficient burning of wood and less creosote buildup in the chimney flues. Having them on the crown of the chimney also provides the following benefits:
- They prevent animal infiltration. Chimney pots have vents that are small enough to prevent animals like bats and squirrels from making their way into the chimney.
- They help reduce fire hazards. Most types of chimney pots are equipped with spark arrestors, which are made of a layer of wire mesh that prevents sparks from reaching the rooftop and surrounding areas.
- They make your chimneys look better. Beyond their practical functions, chimney pots add architectural charm and visual interest to a building’s exterior.
What Are Chimney Pots Made From?
Chimney pots are available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes that will fit every design requirement without altering its function. You can choose from off-the-shelf chimney pots, or have them custom-made.
With regards to material, the most popular type is terracotta. It’s been in use for centuries and is typically seen on traditional style homes. They have the same qualities as quality earthenware — they’re durable, weather-resistant and resilient against moss and extreme heat. While typically associated with traditional styles, terracotta chimney pots work with virtually any home style.
Another popular type is chimney pots made of metal, typically stainless steel or copper. They offer a modern and sleek appearance and are lightweight. The choice of corrosion-resistant metal is important because of the conditions chimneys are exposed to. While copper chimney pots carry a higher price tag, they have the added incentive of developing a beautiful green patina over time.
For more information about chimney pots or our other services, including chimney masonry repair, give Chimney Doctors a call at (518) 882-5009. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve Saratoga Springs, NY, and the surrounding communities.